Monday, December 03, 2012

My Heart's Desires

Day 3: What do you really wish for?

In 2008, I wrote an unedited wish list for my life as part of my silent retreat after reflecting on Psalm 37: 4. I was surprised that I only had 12 major life goals, ranging from living on my own, to traveling, to retiring on royalties. Some have big happy check marks next to them, some are still a work-in-progress, while some still feel quite out of reach. But as I re-read them (and this prompt led me to dig up my list), I am reminded of what I value most and what shapes who I am: deep relationships and meaningful experiences.

Four years later, the items on the list are still my heart's deepest desires. I will continue to allow my dreams and prayers (and hard work, of course) to pave the way to more check marks on my list. Five down, seven to go!

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